Flashcards App Comparison - Which is the best flashcards maker for you?

We made this easy flashcards app comparison chart to compare features in each, so you can choose which flashcards maker is the best for you. Feel free to post your feedback below in the comments section!

   Flashcards Club  Quizlet  Cram  Anki Flashcards Deluxe
 Desktop Version Yes Yes   Yes  Yes  No
Android App (Android) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
App Store App (IOS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 No Subscription Fees for Features  Yes  No  Yes Yes  Yes
 Unlimited Flashcards Yes  Yes Yes  Yes Yes
 Add Photos to Q/A  Yes Yes  Yes  Yes   Yes
 Add Videos to Q/A Yes No  No   Yes  Yes
 Add Audio to Q/A Yes Yes  No Yes  Yes
Create your own flashcards
direcly on app
Yes  Yes  Yes Yes No
Some required
to do on
 Teamwork on creating Flashcards set Yes No No   No No
 Public / Private Flashcards Yes Yes   Yes  Yes Yes
 Shuffle or Order Flashcards Yes No  No No  No
Rate flashcards on how well
you know them
(3 Ratings:
Yes, Maybe, No)
No  No  No  Yes
 View flashcards based on
how well you know them
On Combined Sets too!
 No  No No Yes No
Can set cards
you know to
not show
 View rating stats/clear stats  Yes No  No  No  Yes
 Combine flashcard sets  Yes Yes Yes No
(Have to create
new flashcards
set, not done dynamically)
 Yes No
(Have to create
new flashcards
set, not done dynamically)
Yes No
(Have to create
new flashcards
set, not done dynamically) 
 Search on Q/A of flashcards  Yes No No  No Yes
 Automatic sizing of text based on amount/
room on flashcard
 Yes  No No No No
Reverse Question/Answer sides Yes  Yes Yes  No No 
Set flashcard colors Yes
(Choose color or
random colors for each)
No No  No  Yes
View flashcards as document Yes  Yes  Yes  No No 
Search flashcards directory Yes
(By category, keyword,
author, or size)
 Yes Yes  Yes  Yes 
Batch upload/create flashcards Yes
(Import via CSV Tool)
 Yes  Yes  Yes Yes 
Automatic Sync on all devices Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Cost $0.99 cents one-time fee for Android/IOS
Website is FREE
Free, subscription fees
for some eatures 
Free  $24.99 on IOS,
otherwise free


What do people think about the Flashcards Club app on Get app on Google Play or the Download app on the Apple store? Here are some highlights:

BMG321 on App Store: "I love this app! Makes learning fun! It is a great way to be able to share flash cards with friends and have it easily accessible when you need it."

Gdubeubcuec on App Store: "You can share Flashcards study sets with your friends easily as well as learn words and definitions quickly with this app! I used to write my vocab words on paper, but it took forever. I love that I can quick type up my words or have a classmate send me their study set."

Derrick on Google Play: "Great idea for that would be useful for students. it rids one of having to go pick up flashcards and do the tedious writing. this app seems simple enough and has its finger on the right pulse by archiving previous flashcards which may help people even further. Easy to use for a novice."

Brittany on Google Play: "As much as I love using flashcards because they help me better remember information, it has always been a pain writing out each flashcard, not to mention re-writing flashcards after losing them. I am glad that I discovered this app because it makes things easier with providing flashcards in a digital format. I found it user-friendly and it is very convenient. I like that I can better learn the way I want in an engaging way."

Thao on Google Play: "This app is great because it can be used as a good study tool for all subjects ranging from math to science. With this app, you can easily study for a test or use it to learn a new language like German. You no longer have to worry about losing flashcards again because this app is the digital version. I would recommend this app to any user who is in school and needs a good study tool to help with study! App was also very user friendly!"

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